Sep 15, 2010

Etsy Bloggers: Life Quarter Goals

1. Are you in the first quarter of your life (up to age 25), second quarter of your life (up to age 50), or 3rd quarter (beyond age 50)? Describe your goals and dreams for your current "quarter." How have they changed over time?

This month for my Etsy Bloggers Blog Carnival, I was asked to ponder my life a bit in whichever stage that I am in and to describe my goals and dreams. This is a great question that forces you to think and gain a little perspective on where you would like to be going in your life in this life quarter. Well, I am currently in the 2nd quarter of my life and I have been pretty steadfast in my goals and dreams with very little changing over time. My main goals for this quarter are to travel more and to continue my education. Both of those I have been making a conscious effort in doing. The newest goal involves my Etsy shop. This is a relatively new endeavor for me. Making my shop a success is a goal that I have now added to the To-Do List for this quarter of my life. Any one else wish to share their goals for their quarter?

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